Well, keep working on it, it's good practice! For now, your Newgrounds page will do. So that's a total of 8 sites you have business on, whoa!
Hello I'm Ailie Nice To Meet You. And I Am A Wolf. I Am 18 Year Old. And I Like To Animate Or Draw Pictures. My Secret Is That I Am Powerful And I NEVER DIE. So I Am EVIL But Don't Worry I Am Nice To People. Well Not Annoying Ones. I Kill They With Magic.
Age 29, Female
Joined on 9/4/13
Well, keep working on it, it's good practice! For now, your Newgrounds page will do. So that's a total of 8 sites you have business on, whoa!
Yeah, It's pretty hard.
Yeah cant seem to do anything on Darkpurple
I know theres some bugs BUT you can sign up and add people (if the person give you a link of them profile) upload arts and image and block people (if the person annoying you) that is all for now